Have you ever calculated the true cost of a bad hire i.e. someone who leaves your business during their first year of employment? In most cases, the true cost is roughly 3.5 x their annual salary which, clearly has a negative impact on business. Our unique Recruitment Process Audit™ uses the latest data* and industry research based algorithms to work out what the true cost is to you!
1 in 3 decision makers believe bad hires occur because of the need to recruit skills quickly.
1 in 5 decision-makers, “don’t know” how much a bad hire will cost.
Our bad hire calculator™ will show you the true cost of making the wrong hiring decisions. Take five minutes to complete your information and receive your results and detailed report today.
How much money would you save if you improved your retention rate by 50% overnight?
Given that just one bad hire can cost a business in excess of 100K, improving your retention rate is probably the SINGLE best thing you can do to improve your cash flow.
Depending on the size of your business, the potential savings run into the millions.
Imagine for a minute that your current retention rate is around 60% “(some businesses are lower). Exactly how much money would you save if you switched to a team who improved that figure to 96%?
You don’t need to guess …
Contact us and we’ll provide you with a free report to work out your precise savings.
Between increasing your retention rates and reducing your commercial downtime, expect to see substantial savings of both time and money.
Bridging the Gap Between Employer and Employee Recruitment Using Technology